Meet the Kraken

Meet the Kraken

In the Bird Star Sea, the Ptero Pirates are sailing on the calm sea towards Central Island. They are going to attend the annual Bird Star Carnival, a festival filled with joy and wonder, with a variety of birds and plants, a variety of games and performances, a variety of food and gifts. This is their dream, this is their hope, this is their paradise.

Suddenly, the sky changes dramatically, and a huge surge appears on the sea. DoDo sounds the alarm, and Snatch quickly lets his partners control the pirate ship, facing the surge to avoid capsizing. At this time, DoDo is the first to discover the huge shadow hidden under the sea, and the long tentacles appear and disappear from time to time. DoDo quickly shouts to everyone that it is likely the legendary Kraken. The Kraken is a monster in the legend, it will use its tentacles to catch any passing ships, and then drag them into the deep sea, never to see the light of day.

Just at this moment, because the wind direction suddenly changes, the pirate ship that has not had time to lower the sail is about to lose balance, and the partners are already too late to correct it. A tentacle suddenly appeared on the sea, tightly entwining the pirate ship, pulling it down. Snatch and his partners screamed in horror, they felt that their fate was already doomed, and their dreams and hopes were also about to disappear.

However, just when the pirate ship was about to sink into the water, a strange thing happened. The tentacle suddenly let go of the pirate ship, allowing it to float on the water again. Snatch and his partners were stunned, they didn’t understand why Kraken let them go, was it playing with them? They can only thank God’s favor, and quickly repair the pirate ship, and continue to sail towards Central Island.

Snatch is the leader of the Ptero Pirates. He is a brave and smart parrot. He is curious about Kraken’s behavior. He wants to know the true face of Kraken. He wants to talk to Kraken to see if it is really a cruel and evil creature. He let DoDo observe the movement under the sea with his magical telescope, and soon found that Kraken was still nearby, seeming to follow them. Snatch decided to take a risk, he let his partners fill a small wooden barrel with fruits and bread, tied it with a rope, and then put it on the sea as a temptation to Kraken.

Before long, a tentacle stretched out of the water, gently grabbed the wooden barrel, and then sank into the water. Snatch and his partners held their breath, waiting for Kraken’s reaction. After a while, they heard a low and pleasant whimper, like a thank you. Then, a huge eye floated on the sea, it was Kraken’s eye, it was staring at Snatch, as if it wanted to communicate with him.

Snatch plucked up the courage and said to Kraken: “Hello, I am Snatch, we are Ptero Pirates, we are a group of adventurers, we want to go to Central Island to participate in the Bird Star Carnival, which is a festival full of joy and wonder, with a variety of birds and plants, a variety of games and performances, a variety of food and gifts. This is our dream, this is our hope, this is our paradise. We don’t know why you let us go, who are you? Why are you following us?”

Kraken was silent for a while, and then answered Snatch in a deep and rhythmic voice: “Hello, Snatch, I am Kraken, I am a lonely and curious creature, I like to travel all kinds of seas, observe all kinds of life. I let you go because I saw your dreams and hopes. You are different from me. You have companions and goals. Your life is full of color and joy. I follow you because I want to understand you. I want to know your stories and experiences. I want to learn more.”

Snatch and his partners were moved. They didn’t expect Kraken to have such a wish. They felt that Kraken was not a cruel and evil creature, but a creature that yearned for knowledge and friendship. They decided to communicate with Kraken and let it understand their dreams and hopes. They said to Kraken: “Kraken, you are not our enemy, you are our friend, you can communicate with us, we will share our knowledge and experience with you, we also want to hear your stories and experiences, we believe that you also have your own dreams and hopes.”

Kraken cheered happily, it gently stroked the pirate ship with its tentacles, expressing its gratitude and friendship. Then, it used its power to help the pirate ship accelerate and sail towards the direction of Central Island. Ptero Pirates and Kraken began their journey of communication, they learned from each other, supported each other, appreciated each other, they became the best partners, they pursued their dreams and hopes together.

But when they were about to reach Central Island, Kraken suddenly stopped. It said to Snatch: “Snatch, we have arrived, this is your destination, this is your dream, Central Island. You can see the joy and wonder there, you can participate in the Bird Star Carnival, which is a festival full of joy and wonder, with a variety of birds and plants, a variety of games and performances, a variety of food and gifts. But I can’t go with you, I am a creature of the sea, I can’t survive on land, I don’t belong to that world, I can only say goodbye to you here, bless you.”

Snatch and his partners were surprised and sad, they didn’t expect Kraken to say that, they didn’t want to separate from Kraken, they felt that Kraken was their good friend, they wanted to share their dreams and hopes with Kraken. They said to Kraken: “Kraken, don’t say that, don’t leave us, you are our good friend, you can go to Central Island with us, we will find a suitable place for you, where you can live, you can also communicate with the life there, you can also find your belonging and happiness.”

Kraken shook his head, he looked at Snatch and his partners affectionately with his eyes, and said softly with his voice: “Snatch, you are my best friends, you have given me a lot of knowledge and friendship, you have let me feel the color and fun of life, you have given me dreams and hopes. But I can’t go to Central Island with you, that’s not my place, that’s not my world, I am a creature of the sea, I can only live in the sea, and I can only find my belonging and happiness in the sea. Don’t be sad for me, be happy for yourself, go to realize your dreams and hopes, go to enjoy your life, go to Central Island, that is your paradise.”

Snatch and his partners cried, they were unwilling to accept Kraken’s decision, they wanted to persuade Kraken to change his mind, they wanted to be with Kraken forever. But they also knew that Kraken’s words were sincere, they also knew that Kraken’s choice was correct, they also knew that Kraken’s blessings were sincere. They could only thank Kraken for his friendship, and respect Kraken’s wishes, they could only say goodbye to Kraken, and promise Kraken’s request, they could only say to Kraken: “Kraken, you are our best friend, you have given us a lot of knowledge and friendship, you have let us feel the color and fun of life, you have given us dreams and hopes. We will miss you, we will remember you, we will always keep you in our hearts, we will always regard you as our partner, we will always regard you as our family. We will go to Central Island, we will go to realize our dreams and hopes, we will go to enjoy our life, we will go to Central Island, that is our paradise. We also hope that you can find your belonging and happiness, we also hope that you can continue to explore and learn, we also hope that you can continue to be our friend, we also hope that you can continue to be yourself.”

Then, Snatch and his partners waved their wings and arms, waved goodbye to Kraken, said goodbye to Kraken, thanked Kraken, and blessed Kraken. Kraken also waved goodbye to Snatch and his partners with its tentacles and eyes, said goodbye to Snatch and his partners, thanked Snatch and his partners, and blessed Snatch and his partners. Then, Kraken slowly sank into the water, disappeared in the sea, disappeared in the sight of Ptero Pirates, but did not disappear in the hearts of Ptero Pirates, did not disappear in the dreams of Ptero Pirates, did not disappear in the hopes of Ptero Pirates.

Ptero Pirates continued to sail towards Central Island, they arrived at the island full of joy and wonder, they will participate in the Bird Star Carnival, which is a festival full of joy and wonder, with a variety of birds and plants, a variety of games and performances, a variety of food and gifts.

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