The adventure of two bamboo baskets

The adventure of two bamboo baskets

On the distant bird star, on the blue ocean, there is a famous Ptero Pirates who is a chivalrous person who robs the rich and gives to the poor.
The parrot pirate DoDo is a gray parrot pirate with a sense of justice. Because he is the most poetic parrot among the Ptero Pirates, Captain Snatch [Snatch is a golden sun parrot] sends DoDo to a seaside town to gather information. In the small town, DoDo found a strange style sailboat parked at the pier that he had never seen before.
The parrot pirate DoDo flew to the strange sailing ship, feeling a little curious and a little nervous. He carefully walked into the cabin and found that there was no one inside, only some boxes and
Two bamboo baskets. There was a strange sound coming from the bamboo basket, like someone moaning. DoDo took a closer look and found that the bamboo basket was filled with colorful shredded paper, as if to cover the contents.
DoDo used his paw to clean up some shredded paper, revealing a beautiful red parrot. Her mouth was gagged with a strip of cloth, her wings were tied with rope, and her eyes were full of fear and anger.
DoDo was shocked and quickly bit off the cloth and rope with her mouth to free her.

"Thank you, who are you?" said the red parrot.

"My name is DoDo, and I am a member of the Ptero Pirates. I came here to get information, and I didn't expect to meet you. Who are you? Why are you locked up here?" duoduo asked.

"My name is Ulu, I am an eclectic parrot, I come from the island of Ulu. I am a singer, I performed in a bar here, but unexpectedly I was caught by a bad bird. He said he was going to sell me to a Rich, let me be his pet. He also said he has a secret weapon that can destroy any enemy," Ulu said.

"What secret weapon?" DoDo asked curiously.

"It's this bamboo basket. He said that there is a bomb in this bamboo basket. If anyone wants to save me, he will press a button to make the bamboo basket explode. He also said that this bomb can destroy the entire town, so no one dares Move him," Ulu said.

"Really? Then aren't we in danger?" DoDo said in a panic.

"Don't be afraid. I took a look just now. There is no bomb at all in this bamboo basket, just some colorful shredded paper. The bad guy is lying. He just wants to scare us." Ulu said.

"Really? That's great. Let's get out of here quickly before he comes back." DoDo said.

"Okay, I'll go with you. You saved my life, and I want to repay you. Moreover, I also want to join your pirate group and adventure with you." Ulu said.

"Really? That's great. Our captain Snatch will definitely welcome you. Your singing will definitely make our pirate group more famous." DoDo said.

"Then let's go, let's fly to your ship together." Ulu said.

So, DoDo and Ulu flew out of the cabin and flew towards the Ptero Pirates' ship. They didn't realize that the bad bird was looking at them from high in the sky, with a sinister light flashing in his eyes. He was holding a remote control with a red button on it. An evil smile appeared on the corner of his mouth and he said:

"Do you think you can escape? You are too naive. You don't know that I have a bigger secret weapon. This button can detonate the nuclear bomb I buried under the sea. Once I press this button, the entire blue ocean will be destroyed. Destruction. Your pirate group, your dreams, and your love will all be reduced to ashes. Hahahaha..."

Just when the bad bird vulture was about to press the remote control, a loud noise sounded, startling him. He turned his head and saw a black sailboat with a skull and crossbones flag hanging on it, the symbol of the Ptero Pirates. He saw Captain Snatch, a golden sun parrot, holding a silver pistol and aiming it at him. Next to him are two parrots: Barbarossa, an Amazon parrot, holding a machete, and Haley, a blue macaw, holding a bazooka.

"Drop your weapons, you're surrounded." Snatch said coldly.

"Who are you? What do you want to do?" Bad Bird Vulture asked in horror.

"We are the Ptero Pirates, and we are here to rescue our friend DoDo. You captured him and wanted to destroy the ocean with your nuclear bomb. You are such a despicable guy." Snatch said.

"How do you know my plan? How do you find my nuclear bomb?" Bad Bird Vulture asked in disbelief.

"We have our methods. Do you think your nuclear bomb is very secretive? In fact, we have discovered the location of your nuclear bomb long ago and used our submarine to dismantle it. Your nuclear bomb is just an empty shell. The remote control is just a toy. Your plan has failed," Snatch said.

"No, it's impossible, you're lying to me. I don't believe it. I'm going to press this button and let you all die." The bad bird vulture said frantically and pressed the remote control.

Nothing happens. There is only a beeping sound, indicating that the remote control is out of power.

"See, we didn't lie to you. Your nuke was taken care of by us. You're just an incompetent clown now," Snatch said.

"No, no, no, it's not fair, it's not fair." cried the bad bird vulture, kneeling on the ground.

"Now, you have to pay for your crimes. You have to face our trial." Snatch said.

"No, no, no, please, please let me go, I will do anything as long as you don't kill me." The bad bird vulture begged.

"Sorry, you don't have a chance. You have sinned too much and you must be punished." Snatch said, pulling the trigger.

There was a gunshot, and the bad bird vulture fell to the ground, bleeding.

"Okay, mission accomplished. Let's get back to the ship." Snatch said.

"Okay, Captain," said Barbarossa and Haley.

They walked over to DoDo and Ulu and picked them up.

"DoDo, are you okay? Who is this?" Snatch asked with concern.

"This is Ulu, the singer who was kidnapped by the bad bird vulture. She is very willing to join us, captain. It's really thanks to you that you arrived in time, otherwise we would be finished." DoDo said.

"Yes, Captain, you are so awesome. How did you find the Bad Bird Vulture's nuclear bomb?" Ulu asked.

"This is all thanks to Copilot." DoDo rushed to say.

"I'd love to meet Copilot," Ulu said.

"Copilot is dodo's magic notebook," Snatch said.

So, they flew back to the Ptero Pirates ship together, and Ulu also wrote a song for dodo using Copilot, called "The Adventure of Two Bamboo Baskets." Everyone sang together, and the singing spread throughout the blue ocean. They quickly became good friends and became the most powerful pirate group. Their story has become the most legendary story on Bird Star.

End of story.

The adventure of two bamboo baskets

C G Am F
I'm trapped in a dark bamboo basket
C G Am F
No light, no sound, no hope
C G Am F
I thought I was going to stay here forever
C G Am F
Until you appear in front of me

G Am F C
you are a shining light
G Am F C
You are a beautiful song
G Am F C
you are a warm embrace
G Am F C
you are a brave hero

F G C Am
You use your wisdom and courage
F G C Am
Save me from that hell
F G C Am
You use your kindness and fun
F G C Am
took me to a paradise

F G Am G
you are my duoduo
You are my DoDo
F G Am G
you are my duoduo
You are my DoDo

F G Am G
i love you my duoduo
I love you my DoDo
F G Am G
i love you my duoduo
I love you my DoDo


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